Tuesday Staff Meeting

Tuesday Staff Meeting

It was a short week last week here in the US of A due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, and Monday was exceptionally groggy, so I deferred my Staff Meeting to Tuesday.

Monday Production:

  • 1.50 hours finalizing the Agenceum logo and templates.
  • 2.25 hours relaying out the catalog
  • 0.50 hours playing with color variations on the logo

Tuesday Production:

  • 3.25 hours writing catalog tweaks in InDesign documents

Wednesday Production:

  • 5.25 hours working on new web marketing/services diagram.

Compared against last week’s goals:

LEGEND: o/open ./nextup :/inprogress -/deleted +/new x/done

:   Create simple package for $50-$250 based on two designs.
    [est: 2 hours?]
:   Create marketing message / value proposition / benefit statement. 
    [est time: 2 hours?]o  Create simple advertisement poster.
.   Post descriptions on blog. 
    [est design/implementation time: 6 hours?]
o   Adapt poster to web for agenceum.com
o   Establish sales goals and metrics
o   Assemble a list of prospective local clients from friend network
o   Create “get the word out” checklist.
o   Consolidate backups onto archival DVDR and hard disks
x   Create basic Agenceum identity sytem; use this to bootstrap the
    identity offering.

I’m not making tremendous progress against these goals, which is irritating. However, I’m finding that the “simple message” I’m trying to craft is not so simple. It’s evolving as I create things, then run them by people. This is probably the most important realization from this week, actually: As a freelancer, you still need frequent sounding board sessions with other people to just keep your head clear and on-task. Talking out the problem is a huge productivity booster in the conceptual stage.

Focus for This Week

  • Create the simple package description
  • Put something on the website
  • Meet with new prospects