Tuesday Morning Staff Meeting

Tuesday Morning Staff Meeting

Last week was kind of nuts, because I had 2 or 3 inquiries into the simple website offering, and I’ve been spending my time working with them to define a package that works. I neglected to keep track of my production because I’ve been working from three different locations (home, Starbucks, and Sid’s studio) on two laptops and one desktop machine. Not to mention that the studio doesn’t have Internet access, and I have two bags I carry around.

However, it’s been MOST productive a week. Much of the work has been hidden because it’s in email, but I’m starting to distill the elements from it. I’m going to start transferring these documents-in-progress to the Agenceum Wiki, which I just stuck up on the site.

However, I did a crap job of keeping track of what I’ve been doing. I’ll have to fix the data tracking issue. Here’s kind of where I am right now, based on last week’s list:

LEGEND: o/open ./nextup :/inprogress -/deleted +/new x/done

:   Create simple package for $50-$250 based on two designs.
    [was est: 2 hours]
    [now driven by client dialog]
:   Create marketing message / value proposition / benefit statement.
    [was est time: 2 hours?]
    [now driven by client dialog and feedback]
+   Create "how to" documents for prospective clients, put on Wiki.
o  Create simple advertisement poster.
.   Post descriptions on blog.
    [est design/implementation time: 6 hours?]
o   Adapt poster to web for agenceum.com
o   Establish sales goals and metrics
o   Assemble a list of prospective local clients from friend network
o   Create “get the word out” checklist.
o   Consolidate backups onto archival DVDR and hard disks
x   Create basic Agenceum identity sytem; use this to bootstrap the
    identity offering.

The major news is that I now have several interested clients, and I’m having to shift into client management mode. The amount of time I’m spending with each client is far in excess of what the $50-$100 charged for each starter website, but this is helping me define the package so it will eventually have very little incremental cost of production.

Goals this week:

  • Get client communications streamlined.
  • Schedule new client work.
  • Update Agenceum blog + wiki.
  • Keep moving!!!