ReadMe: Sweeping the Leg, Finding Focus

ReadMe: Sweeping the Leg, Finding Focus

Via my friend Joanne, a tale of two fast-food restaurants, and how the established restaurant struck the newcomer a dastardly but brilliant blow: A Story of Launch Disaster, Fast-Food Style.

Via Stephen Smith, this link to 101+1 Small Business Marketing Questions for People Who Don’t Speak Marketing by Naomi Dunford. It’s a really good list of questions to ponder when thinking of how to market–and by extension focus–your business. Very, very cool.

1 Comment

  1. anonymous by request 14 years ago

    Been reading your posts and it is very inspiring. Makes me want to start my own studio (again). Don’t let my blog fool you, I have a day job that is sorta related to design but sometimes not so much. I’d like to leave the humdrum of the corporate life most days, but it is out of financial necessity that I stick to it. I wish I had the guts (and the money, since I am providing for my wife and dogs) to go at it like you. Maybe someday.

    I prefer when you use “I”.

    I love that fast-food launch story. :)

    Oh, and you can make my name anonymous… please.