“What is Creativity” Photo Contest at Freshpeel.com

“What is Creativity” Photo Contest at Freshpeel.com

I am kind of a sucker for interesting marketing and creativity, so when I got a note from Marketing Fresh Peel about their creativity contest, I was curious enough to check it out. The idea is to take a photo that represents creativity and stick it up on Flickr; the details for submission are on the website.

That’s already pretty cool, but the icing on the cake was the prize: a Metamemes ThinkCube. I was not familiar with this product at all, but here’s what the website says:

ThinkCube is a complete solution that provides you with all of the tools you need to innovate. It represents the culmination of 10 years of research in creative thinking and synthesizes today’s leading creativity tools, techniques, and processes. Whether you use it alone or in a group, ThinkCube trains your brain and lets you exercise your creative muscles.

That’s interesting, but what really got me was what it looks like:

"ThinkCube" Creativity pr0n! I am all over that :-)

There’s a really slick Flash demo that explains the process, and it’s fabulous. I can’t really speak to the process itself as I was too busy ogling the production values on the website to read through it, but any creativity methodology is likely to have benefit. And this product does seem to exceed my threshold of excitement on first glance, which doesn’t happen that often. I also read that it’s the fruit of a husband and wife team collaboration, which just makes it all that much cooler.


  1. Claude Knaus 17 years ago

    The basic process seems to be the same as described in the book “A Technique for Producing Ideas” by James Webb Young. It suggests to use simple 3×5” cards, though.

  2. Dave Seah 17 years ago

    Claude: thanks for the reference! I’ll have to check that book out sometime.

  3. Marius 17 years ago



    this is my whole university education condensed into a box. (my innovation-education is like 3 years of university study, but it also contains psychology and change-management ;) )