Sub Standards

Sub Standards

I hadn’t realized that Gedeon from the IconFactory had been blogging for a few months. In addition to the excellent pop culture commentary that I love, he’s also started reviewing submarine sandwiches in the Greensboro area. He’s been looking for a worthy local replacement for Dibella’s Old Fashioned Subs out of Rochester, NY (and oh, how I know this pain). True to his roots as a designer and write he’s created an awesome set of photo-illustrated reviews supported by slick information graphics. Very inspiring and yummy :-)

Which reminds me, I need to get down to Worcester, MA one of these days and revisit the old Boynton Pizza near WPI to see if it still holds up.


  1. Emily 18 years ago

    Awesome! Thanks for sharing the link. I love the “Sub Yummy Scale” chart graphics. :D


  2. Erik Sagen 18 years ago

    There simply is no replacement for DiBellas. Closest you could find would be Wegmans (which uses DiBellas food stuffs), but I’m not sure there are any “Weggies” in Boston.