Waiting for Domain Name Switch

Waiting for Domain Name Switch

I’m really surprised how quickly my local domain name servers picked up on the new server IP address…at least as far as regular web addresses goes. My email, though, is still going to the old server at FutureQuest, so I guess DNS MX records are a different sort of animal. I’m having a good time playing with this neat lookup tool to see what’s going on. The mysteries of the Internet, made a little more clear :-)

It looks like a few comments got posted on the old server…I suppose I should have locked it down or disabled it entirely. I think I’ll go do that.


  1. Kyle Korleski 18 years ago

    How’s that coming along?


  2. Dave Seah 18 years ago

    The domain name seems to have switched quickly here, but my email is still going to the old server :/ It’ll probably take another day or so before everything is stabilized. I see some traffic coming in still, so that’s good.

    I’ve completely shut down the old server and disabled WordPress there. I just added a link to the numeric IP of the website if people really were in a hurry to find something.

    I’m also slowly bringing the plugins I disabled before online again. I’ll probably re-introduce Mint soon.

  3. zzap 18 years ago

    MX often take more time. I find A records the fastest to change over; but updating the Name Servers usually don’t take more than half an hour to change.
    Are your emails back up now—or still waiting?

  4. Dave Seah 18 years ago

    Things are still a little wonky on the new server as i figure out how to get it working nicely. I seem to already be exceeding my memory allocations, so I’ve been tweaking the php, apache, and mysql settings a bit. As if I knew what I was doing :-)