

I’ve been trying to be better about keeping track of who’s in the 9rules community, so I’ve been making a point of visiting every 9rules site I happen to see. One of the Round 5 inductees is Jeff Ngan, a blogger out of Canada who writes with literate-yet-conversational intensity, the kind of writing that sounds good when spoken aloud. His photos are really exceptional too; the combined experience is like reading a hybrid of Life Magazine and The Atlantic Monthly, focused on the experiences surrounding Jeff Ngan. Very inspiring! Check it out at Equivocality.

1 Comment

  1. Benedict Eastaugh 18 years ago

    Honestly, there are just too many people in the Network these days for me to keep track of. In some ways I’m sure that’s a good thing—-there’s a better chance of forming some kind of community ‘critical mass’, and smaller sub-communities around the various subjects covered by the Network have a larger core around which people are more likely to gather. Still, I must admit a little nostalgia for the days when there were fewer than a hundred sites and everybody knew everybody else. If I were more energetic or less busy I’m sure I could have great fun making new connections and involving myself more in the various aspects of the community that interest me, but sadly I just don’t have the time or the resources to do that at the moment. Still, I know you’ve got good judgement so if you continue noting the various sites around the Network that you enjoy, I for one will appreciate it.
