Storing All That Jazz

Storing All That Jazz

I was browsing Volkher Hofmann’s Living with Music website Living With Music, which covers the enjoyment, collecting AND STORAGE of music. Did I say STORAGE? I LOVE STORAGE! I like the practical and personal way he describes his use of inexpensive retail shelving like the IKEA Ivar, which apparently requires nothing but a screwdriver to put together. The thoughtful way in which Volkher considers the shelving with regards to his needs is quite enjoyable. So check out his Storage and Display articles for the low-down on storing CDs and vinyl, then hang out for the relaxed musical commentary. Great stuff!


  1. Volkher Hofmann 17 years ago

    Thanks for the plug.
    I like the “relaxed” attribute, although in real life I am, unfortunately, not. :)


  2. Volkher Hofmann 17 years ago

    Thanks for sending the traffic my way. I’m commenting again because I’ve noticed that you sent lots of people my way that have stayed around for quite a while to actually really read what I wrote (gives me a good feeling). Seems to me you have an interested and dedicated readership! Nice.

  3. Dave Seah 17 years ago

    Hey Volkher,

    I’m glad that people stuck around! The readership I have would have to be pretty dedicated, given as I am to writing long rambling posts :-)