Mint, .htaccess, and Me

Mint, .htaccess, and Me

I purchased Shaun Inman’s Mint web statistics tracking package last week, and I’m really enjoying it. It’s just so pretty I want to show it to everyone! However, Mint version 1.1 doesn’t allow multiple users to access the statistics page unless you run it in demo mode. But then, everyone can see your stats. The alternative is to fork over your precious registration email and password to whoever you want to see…ugh, not an option.

UPDATE Actually this isn’t true,…the first time you install, it is actually prompting you to create a new user/password, and you can make any username/password you like by changing your preferences…it is NOT a login authentication key. I was confused. If you’re still interested, read on…

Anyway, I think I figured out how to make the .htaccess work with Mint so I can provide webserver-based user authentication without messing up Mint’s stat capturing…I’m still testing and am writing things down so I don’t forget.

Boring technical notes follow! You’ve been warned!

The Basic Idea

It centers around the use of the .htaccess file, which you stuff into the Mint directory.

  • Run Mint in demo mode, but provide webserver based authentication so you have to type in a username/password. By controlling this with .htaccess, you can manage the usernames/password/groups yourself.

  • However, Mint requires the inclusion of a special Javascript file in the <head> of every web page you’re tracking. Since this Javascript file lives in the Mint directory, .htaccess controls prevent the script from loading if you don’t type in the password for every page on the site. Which basically kills stat tracking while annoying your site visitors. I found this out the hard way…nice guy Joe Rawlinson clued me in so I could fix it, as I wasn’t seeing it because I’m local. Thanks Joe!

  • Speaking of local, it would also be nice to not have to authorize from my own office network, for maximum stats-checking pleasure. The .htaccess file should be able to accomodate this too.



1. Set up your password and group files I followed [these instructions][htaccess] to create my user password and group file. You’ll be referring to these files in Step 2. You should probably make sure you know how to use .htaccess files for this kind of thing first, if you are unfamiliar with the process.

I (belatedly) made a copy of my Mint folder for testing. A test page (outside of my blog) includes the <script> tag pointing to the mint.js.php file in it. This way I could test that it was working before messing with my real setup. This kind of behavior is still kind of loose and dangerous since I don’t really know how Mint works, but hey…live a little!

2. Create the .htaccess file in the mint directory The .htaccess file has the following in it. Pay attention to the comments to see what you need to change.

# .htaccess file for mint directory
# beware! understand how this works before you try it!
# edit indicated areas below...
# if your mint url was:
# is now:

# change AuthUserFile and AuthGroupFile to point to your files
AuthUserFile /path/to/non_html/directory/ht_users
AuthGroupFile path/to/non_html/directory/ht_groups

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Mint Demo Authorization"

<files index.php>
    <limit GET POST>
        order deny,allow
        deny from all

        # OPTIONAL!
        #   Change IP address in the 'allow' line to your
        #   static IP address, then uncomment the line.
        #   This will allow the matching IP to login without
        #   invoking the user/password dialog.
        # allow from

        # in my AuthGroupFile, I have a group called mint
        require group mint

        satisfy any

All this tells the webserver to require a user in the “mint” group (which is defined in my ht_groups file) to enter a password whenever the index.php file is requested. Since this is the only file protected, the other files in the Mint directory are allowed to be freely accessed. This includes the critical mint.js.php file, which is included on all your tracked pages.

3. Enable Demo Mode in Mint The directions were posted in this thread on

Changes to Mint Operation

You must now specify the index.php when visiting the Mint URL! For example, if you were going to:

…you now have to use:

There is probably some way of using mod_rewrite to fix this, but mod_rewrite gives me the willies.

I’m also not sure just how secure this is, since only the index.php file is protected. It at least prevents casual access to the stats page.

Just to feel better, I also added the following to the end, to prevent the configuration.php from being retrieved…

    <filesMatch "configuration.php[~]*">
        <limit GET>
        deny from all

The Aftermath, Thus Far

So far, it seems to be working, but I am not a web server configuration genius. Hopefully this won’t blow up in some subtle-but-interesting way…


  1. kartooner 19 years ago

    Slick! I’ve been kicking around whether Mint is worth the $30. I’d imagine for people who are intrigued by their statistics it’s a great tool, but what about the person whose somewhat interested, like me, who checks their stats on occasion? Do you still think it’s worth it?

    Nevertheless, it does look great. :)

  2. Dave 19 years ago

    It doesn’t quite do everything that StatTracker does right out of the box, but with the additional plugins (“peppers”) being developed it certainly is getting there quite rapidly. It’s also a quality piece of software, very good for a 1.0 product, though there are a couple of things I wished it would do.