Installing SDL on the Mac

Installing SDL on the Mac

Jeremy has been busy getting Crixa to work on the Mac. He checked in his source to our repository, with the caveats that they seem to have broken the MSVC side of things. So I’m going to try installing this on the Mac and compile using Xcode and SDL. My boring installation notes follow:

  1. Installed subversion on the Mac, the command-line version (The GUI version, svnX, doesn’t support user names yet)
  2. Did svn checkout svn://repository/url/path to grab the latest sources
  3. Opened the Xcode Project Builder, tried to build
  4. Fixed the absolute paths in the source/ and include/ trees…they’re now relative
  5. Need SDL libraries, so download tar.gz SDL from and install from terminal ./configure; make; sudo make install
  6. Need SDL mixer, so download tar.gz source and install from terminal ./configure; make; sudo make install
  7. Need SDL net, so download tar.gz source and install from terminal ./configure; make; sudo make install

I note for the last two, I seem to be missing the “framework” for Xcode. A Google search says that it’s actually the ZIP package that still has it…I looked, and didn’t see it. Then I realized that “PBProjects” meant “Project Builder Projects” for Xcode…duh.

There’s two things: targets and build styles. I think I chose an incompatible build style for the target of “SDL_mixer Framework”, so looking to see how to change it…hm.

I probably need to do a bit of reading about Xcode… shelving this until later.