Two Decades of Green

Two Decades of Green

I’ve been spending the past several days finding and reviewing my old digital work from the past 20 years, so I can finally get my “portfolio” online. This is turning out to be more of a personal anthropology project, so I may have to rename that section.

Some of the oldest work is still on Apple II 5.25″ disks from High School. They’re completely inaccessible unless I can somehow cobble together a serial port connection between an Apple IIGS or Macintosh LC II w/ Apple II card to my PC. That is, if they even will still read. Then there’s the matter of actually being able to get the software to run the serial port connection onto the machines in the first place. It’s all so complicated. Even the 3.5″ disks are problematic, because they’re in a format that Apple dropped years ago, and no current drive technology is capable of reading them.

"froggy" It’s been interesting to see the trends in the work. I clearly like green, have a penchant for stippled metal, and seem to enjoy boxy layout. I seem to like making graphical interfaces that look like things, and boy, I sure do like them spaceships! This supports the conclusion of my previous blog entry rather well.

My target date for having at least a usable collection of images ready for integration this Friday, so come Monday, I can call phase 1 of the website complete!