Compact Calendar 2007 Discussion

Compact Calendar 2007 Discussion

As comments are currently unavailable on the main Compact Calendar 2007 page, this post will serve to accept any online discussion. A small percentage of readers leave comments, so I don’t think this will run the server load up.


  1. Ethan 17 years ago

    The links for the pdf versions contain the additional path “/pub/downloads” which appears to be invalid.  Just an FYI.


  2. Dave Seah 17 years ago

    Thanks Ethan! I just fixed them.

  3. Robert 17 years ago

    Clever calendar.  Thanks.
    I preferred to bold weekdays and to have the first day of each month bold and in red.

    Do you have one for 2008 yet?

  4. A to Z of World 17 years ago

    Nice Calendars. Thanks Dave.
    I liked the one with weekends at the last. Using that may give me a perfect idea that my planning shouldn’t mess my weekends :)

  5. Don 17 years ago

    Wow! You made the information aesthetics blog. Heady stuff! Great design, as usual, Dave.

  6. Pete 17 years ago

    I’m an idiot. Nice calendar!

  7. Eric Meyer 17 years ago

    Hot, Dave.  Thanks for making it available to the world!

  8. Jason Shanker 17 years ago

    I liked this Compact Calendar alot, so I modified it a bit. I’ve added a top row that allows a user to input any start date and end date. The calendar space automatically populates between those dates, calculating correctly so that the first space is a Monday. It also properly places the month names in the appropriate rows (though you lose the Holiday designations in Dave’s original).

    It can be anywhere from a week to several years in length. What was key for me is that I can now print one to coincide with a particular project, say from October ‘06 to June ‘07.

    If anyone would be interested, and if Dave feels that modifying it is a fair thing to do, I’d be happy to share it.

    Thanks, Dave!


  9. Jakob Heuser 17 years ago

    Well done!  Like the task tracker, this is going to find its way onto my desk.

  10. Dave Seah 17 years ago

    Thanks everyone! Glad that this old tool is finding new life :-)

    Jason: Go ahead and post your version up somewhere on the web. I’m curious to learn how you did that, and it might be helpful for some other excel tools I use.

  11. Danny 17 years ago

    Great calendar!  I had one of those “I wish I’d thought of that” moments when I saw it.  Like Jason, I immediately made some changes to fit my needs.  Two things:
    1. I pulled out the left column and made a narrow column with months in vertical.  This gives me more note taking space.
    2. I added some structure to note taking.  I created light gray horizontal lines for ruled paper (I considered a grid, but ruled lines works better for my needs) and divided it into three sections: 3/4 of the page is labeled “Notes”, then 1/4 labeled “Actions”, and a bottom rule with “Project:” and “Date:” so I can fill in what this all belongs to (you wouldn’t believe how many unfiled note pages I have in my office that I don’t know when/why I took the notes.

    Hope these ideas help someone.

  12. Bruce Marriott 17 years ago

    Clive Griffiths has produced some great England/Wales versions but I wanted one with a Monday start to the week and which also covered all the UK Bank holidays ie for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. In xls format it’s on this page:

    It’s all colour coded and the key, if its not dead obvious, is at the bottom. Still fits on A4 of course.

    If anybody converts to pdf I’m happy to include on the page, which also includes my contact details.

  13. kobak 17 years ago


    thanks for the calendar. I made a Hungarian version of the calendar:

  14. netrider11 17 years ago

    Dear Mr Seah,

    Your compact calendar is a great tool. I have translated the generic version into Traditional and Simplified Chinese versions. They are available at

    Thank you for the wonderful idea you have shared!


  15. Filipe Rocha 17 years ago

    Hi there Dave,
    First of all thank you for your tools.

    I’ve been playing w/ your Compact Calendar and it turned up as a Portuguese(European Version) that I’d like to share. If anyone is interested please follow to:

  16. Sander 17 years ago

    No russian… Why?

  17. Dave Seah 17 years ago

    Sander: No one has sent me a link to a russian blog post about a localized version yet. They are all volunteer efforts.