
  • Timehunt

    February 12, 2005

    Visit SiteThis is from 2002, but still cool. Timehunt is a kind of online game that combines elements of the Renaissance, machines made by obscure genius, and good old fashioned treasure hunting. A fine use use of illustration and shockwave. Made in Slovakia!
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    DSri Seah
  • Protein OS

    February 11, 2005

    Visit SiteDiane passed along an article about researchers using Google to extract meaning from related word pairs, which has ramifications for Artificial Intelligence. The cool thing was the hosting website, Protein OS, which appears to be a UK collective of some sort. With topics spanning art, music, science, and culture, I find it hard to pin down… kind of like a Wired by practice, not observation. It’s a neat portal to a place not dominated by Walmart sensibilities.
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    DSri Seah
  • Crixa on the Mac

    February 10, 2005

    Whoa! Here’s something I never expected to see anytime soon…Crixa running on my Macintosh!

    Jeremy had actually ported the low level graphics and sound classes to SDL, which means we have cross-platformness. This is the first time I’ve actually seen it run on my Powerbook.


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    DSri Seah
  • Dev Environments & Debugging

    February 10, 2005

    A quick side-journey into debugging Microsoft Visual C++ projects. Of particular interest to me are runtime checking of invalid objects, as Crixa seems to have a few bugs related to them.

    Also, I learned what a Framework is in Xcode, and how to set the damn paths to them. A Framework is a more convenient way to distribute a software development kit, with the various subdirectories for includes, source files, resources, etc. Ordinarily you woul have to set up multiple paths; with a Framework, you just have to set up one.

    Of course, you still need to know where to set the path to the framework. It’s one of those mysterious “what #$%@! buttons do I press to set the compiler and linker settings in this !@&#! IDE?”

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    DSri Seah
  • Neil Stephenson in Reason

    February 10, 2005

    Continuing on the Libertarian thread, I just read this interview with Neil Stephenson. Stephenson is the author of the seminal cyberpunk novel Snow Crash, which I hadn’t realized could be considered a “parody of a libertarian future”


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    DSri Seah