Jonathan Field’s New Book: “Uncertainty”

Jonathan Field’s New Book: “Uncertainty”

Via Pam Slim’s Facebook page: Jonathan Fields has a new book dropping this week: Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt into Fuel for Brilliance. Learning to deal with uncertainty has been at the top of my mental realignment checklist for years, so I’m looking forward to seeing what insights and research that Fields has uncovered. Available September 29, 2011.


  1. Sacha Chua 13 years ago

    Thanks for the recommendation! I’ll add the book to my watchlist. I found the tips in How to Measure Anything really helpful when it comes to dealing with uncertainty. The author points out that a measurement doesn’t have to be precise to be useful. A measurement is simply a tool for reducing uncertainty. With that idea, then, you can set up experiments or take rough measurements and reduce uncertainty to an acceptable level. I also like Smart Choices, which goes into more detail on making decisions in the face of uncertainties and estimated probabilities. Good luck and have fun!

  2. Jeff 13 years ago

    I pre-ordered u a copy and will forward upon arrival. Thanks for the tip!