Two Storytelling Links for One

Two Storytelling Links for One

Note to self: visit jwynia’s site more often. Not only is he always writing about empowered-geeky projects that I find interesting, but he also maintains a finely-curated collection of links. This Ira Glass on Storytelling post, for example, with video links to Ira Glass himself talking about his story process. The advice that Glass passes along about the talent gap—that depressing condition when one’s fine taste exceeding one’s craft—is priceless for creatives who are hitting that proverbial wall. /me raises hand.


  1. J Wynia 17 years ago

    I hate to be the narcissist that points it out, but the link to my main site is broken.


  2. Dave Seah 17 years ago

    Hey J! Busted link is fixed.