Site Updates and New Opportunities for Branding

Site Updates and New Opportunities for Branding

I recently updated the themes for the so they look the same as the main page. The result is that everything looks more unified, which is pretty great. This has given rise to new thoughts, however:

  • Now that everything looks like one site, what I need to do is shoot custom headers for each sub blog
  • The website also now starts to resemble a magazine, which puts a different standard on the kind of writing I do.
  • It would be nice to now make collections of related content for people to browse. I have a lot in the back catalog that can be updated.
  • It would also be nice to provide a little more guidance as to what this website stands for, now that I myself am clear on it.

First things first: the headers need customization. This seems like a daunting task at first, because the headers can be anything, but there are a few things I know:

  • The dimensions are fixed in width and aspect ratio.
  • I just need to shoot a few objects on white and that would be a perfectly adequate first pass that we (or rather, I) can react and respond to.
  • So, let’s set up the lighting and then find some objects that are representative of each sub blog header.

Let’s list the sub blogs with an appropriate representative object:

  • Coding – I want a high-key image (meaning it’s lighter colored, more white than black). Code is an abstrat concept, but I could use a glowing screen showing text shot at an angle.
  • Design – Sketches on paper, with an object on top of it that is the real version of it, or a prototype
  • Making – A collection of tools
  • Agenceum – I’m thinking a bunch of lego people in an agency diarama.
  • Gear – This has to be something kind of cool and technical looking. Maybe this screen
  • Infotech – Servers, Screens, Backup…hm. Maybe it’s a photo of an ethernet port?
  • Food – I have so many pictures I can use
  • Soc – A picture of a diary? A nie journal and fountain pen?
  • Arts – I see a gallery space, white walls, art hung…but that’s kind of the high falutin’ part of it. The arts are a state of mind, or a spark of excitement and possibility, and also about truth. I’m seeing a daub of white paint on a white palette, presented starkly.
  • Reading – booooooks
  • Letters – This is more about correspondence than writing. Maybe a forum? A podium? A conversation?

Not everything on this list lends itself to a simple symbol, so one thing I can do to unify everything is just to stylize it all as black and white. I’ll make myself an index card that lists all the categories, and see if I can start collecting the imagery.

1 Comment

  1. CR 12 years ago

    Perhaps add some shavings from your recent woodworking for the Making header?