Vent Through Haiku!

Vent Through Haiku!

I was following up on Twitter friend Corrie Haffly and came across her Bad Day? Vent with Haiku post. The idea is that when you’re having a bad day, express your pain through the soothing verbal tea that is Haiku. It combines just the right blend of tension with authentic expression, tinged with a responsible amount of subversiveness. And yet…venting through haiku is somehow not mean. Incredible!

Here is a haiku-ization of a client’s email, from her former workplace:

I am quite upset At your stupid, sucky, lame Mickey Mouse product.

It’s just one of several examples. Check it out!


  1. Emily 17 years ago

    Brilliant! It definitely can defuse the timebomb of crankiness. :)

    Here are some of mine based on the last couple of days at work:

    What is wrong with you?
    It is called a “Ladies’ Room”
    And not a Pig Sty

    No report for you
    Since the network is still down
    Ask the I.T. guys

    Well, obviously
    You did not read the memo

  2. Dave Seah 17 years ago

    Em: I laughed so hard that the cat fell off my lap. I love the last one :-)