More SXSW Pictures

More SXSW Pictures

I finally created a Flickr account, and have uploaded my set of photos. Haven’t finished tagging them with names. Help appreciated :-)

UPDATE: Here are a few more:


  1. Emily 18 years ago

    I love the “sea of swag” photo…awesome! :)

  2. Kevininspace 18 years ago

    Love the photos Dave. It’s nice to see “action” photos from your activities; gives a nice contrast to your other wonderful posts.

  3. Bo Jordan 18 years ago

    Dude, looks like the trip was a blast.  I’m definitely going to consider it next year, particularly as I fall farther and farther down the UI hacking rabbit hole…

  4. Dave Seah 18 years ago

    Thanks! it was pretty awesome (though the swag was not exactly swagalicious).

    kevininspace: that’s a great comment, I’ll have to keep that in mind for the future!

    On a side note, I’m looking at these photos, and I’ve never seen photographs of me like this before. The smile is very different, and I’m thinking it’s because I was so deeply moved and happy that it shows in a different way.